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SELÂMÜN ALEYKÛM ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ

𝐿𝑒 𝑣𝑜𝑖𝑙𝑒 𝑒𝑛 𝑖𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑚

“And tell the believing women to lower their gaze, to keep their chastity, and to show their finery only as it appears and that they lower their veils on their breasts” 
[Surah 24 - Verse 31 ]


Contrary to what many tend to think, modesty is not just about how you dress, or even looking down. Modesty is a set of behaviors

We have brought down on you a garment to hide your nakedness, as well as ornaments. - But the garment of piety is better.


The conscious Muslim woman does not observe the Islamic veil out of tradition, fad or habit, she observes it out of conviction and with a heart full of faith in the commandment of Her Almighty Lord.

The Muslim woman must follow the example of virtuous women and thus observe the veil without bearing any interest in criticism and mockery.

The conditions of the veil:

  • Cover the entire body except the face and hands

  • Not be an adornment (pretty and eye-catching)

  • Put a thick fabric so that it is not transparent

  • Wide so that no part of the body is molded

  • Don't be perfumed  

  • Do not look like men's clothes

  • Do not look like the clothes of non-Muslims

  • Not be a fashion garment 


The Prophet ﷺ said: 

said :

“There are two kinds of inhabitants of Hell that I would not see (in my lifetime); clothed women, but naked, who sway their hips and who are attractive. They will not enter Paradise and will not smell it. And men with whips in the shape of cow's tails, which they use to beat the servants of Allah. »


- Couvrir entièrement le corps excepté le visage et les mains​
- Ne pas être une parure (joli et attirant l'œil)
- Mettre un tissus épais à ce qu'il ne soit pas transparent
- Large de sorte à ce qu'aucune partie du corps ne soit moulée
- Ne pas être parfumé 
- Ne pas ressembler aux vêtements des hommes
- Ne pas ressembler aux vêtements des non-musulmanes
- Ne pas être un vêtement de mode 

Le prophète ﷺ a dit : 

« Il y a deux sortes d’habitants de l’Enfer que je ne verrais pas (de mon vivant) ; des femmes vêtues, mais dénudées, qui se déhanchent et qui sont attirantes. Elles n’entreront pas au Paradis et n’en sentiront pas l’odeur... »

Extérieur de la Mosquée blanche
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